by chia | Sep 16, 2012 | Uncategorized
The tree in the poster is Eveline’s Home-Family. Eveline, her husband(Pink Bird), Morning(Green Bird), and her little daughter (little Bird)are living on this tree, and their home is built by the love from her families, friends etc.
Client: Eveline
by chia | Sep 16, 2012 | Uncategorized
This logo needs to represent both HeartBeatles and nature. The company deals with biological-, vegetable,- and nature products. I created a HeartBeatles heart shaped logo, and added a leaf for the HeartBeatles body in order to show the connection with Vegetables, Biologic, and nature.
The sketch of the logos:

The options of the logo:

The final logo:

Client: Sexyveggie Company
* Extra information:
Graphic design: Yu-Chia Huang
Production time: 2 days
Production period: 2012. August.
by chia | Sep 16, 2012 | Uncategorized
The mission of I love birds are about music, art, life, food etc. Thus, I have created a tree spirit with her magic hair, and pencil hat. She brings colors to the world with her magical colorful hair, and delivers rich ideas, creations for painting, cooking, composing music etc. by her magic pencil hat to people via her Messengers, Birds.
Client: I Like Birds Org.

by chia | Sep 16, 2012 | Uncategorized
Title: SALMON suits
Story: Salmon suits suit Sammy Seal suitably.
Client: Stichting Culturele Droomwevers (Amsterdam)
by chia | Feb 1, 2012 | Uncategorized
birth — life — death- rebirth
(Samsara is a game that has been created in 48h by a team of six during the GlobalGameJam 2012 in Amsterdam using the Unity game engine.)
Keep looking for powerups before the darkness gets you. The powerups do have negative side effects such as inversed gravity, inversed controls, disappearing level blocks and impared vision.
The player finds herself trapped inside a mysterious world. The experience starts with full vision of the surroundings, but the visible area slowly encloses around her. When nothing remains, the player is trapped, ending the game.
The player must push back the darkness by transcending into new states of being. However, in each new stage one aspect of the player character or game world will be different. The player must find out what has changed, and traverse the near identical level.
The cycle repeats again and again until finally, finally, the transcendence is complete.
Windows, Mac OS X+, Web browser with plugins (Unity player, Torque,…)
Robin Vink
Frank Versnel
Ewout Zimmermann
Yu-Chia Huang
Dylan Nagel
Lukas Hoenderdos

by chia | Dec 7, 2011 | Uncategorized
Title: An invitation card for Submarine 10 years anniversary party, so I created a “Yellow whale Submarine” is having a big party with other sea creatures.
Client: Submarine Channel

by chia | Feb 19, 2011 | Uncategorized
This is an animation test for a project called: The Little Captain. It’s a book, that i was trying to turn into an animation. This test is animated by: Lara, with my illustrations for Submarine.
Illustrator: Yu-Chia Huang
Animator: Lara
Animation test file:
Some other sketch/ concept illustrations for the story-“De Kleine Kapitein”:

* Extra information:
Production tim: Four months to
Production period: 2010. October – 2011. February.
by chia | Jan 18, 2011 | Uncategorized
2000 years ago, the ‘தொகுப்பு’ family was traveling to search for spices and ingredients. When they went back to their home planet and passed planet earth, their space ship got damaged by a mysterious accident, and their only option was to land on earth. This is where they started their adventure….

by chia | Aug 10, 2010 | Uncategorized
Intro of story:
The story is about an adventure of Mod and Tiem in a strange world.
Mod found a cute animal – Tiem on the street as she was four years old, and Tiem is not only Mod’s pet, but they became best friends.

In a Thursday afternoon, Mod was so bored at home so she went to a shopping center with Tiem. As they was walking front of antique furniture store – Y.C, a pink toy car was driving close to them. Tiem was so curious in it, and started playing with, chasing on this pink toy car.

Suddenly pink car entered the store via a hole. Tiem followed pink car, and disappeared front of Mod. As pink car entered the store, it immediately transferred into a pink animal, and then jumped into the mirror. In the mean time, some furniture in Y.C was changing their shape to become puppets, and strange creatures. Mod worried about Tiem so much, and ran very fast into the store by other side of door to find her best friend, Tiem. However, as Mod entered the story, the door in the store took Mod to another world with magnetic force.
Mod was falling with high speed from sky of another world, and her skirt gradually became Parachute. The parachute helped her slow down her speed and floating in the sky. Fortunately she can land on the ground safely.

Mod is going to have a adventure for finding her best friend-Teim in this weird world. She will meet a lot of weird creatures, and find the way to achieve her goal-finding Tiem.

* Extra information:
Team member: Danny Grob (Programmer, concept developer), Yu-Chia Huang (Illustrator, author, concept developer)
Production time: Three weeks for Demo version
Production period: 2010. June.